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February 2018, Tonde village –PK31

We met with the paramount chiefs and local authorities, hospitals, church groups, community groups, Orphans, widows and those with disabilities.

We provided equipment such as wheelchairs and crutches to those with disabilities, provided relief goods such as rice, groundnut oil, salt, machetes, raincoats and boots to the widows and widowers, as well as financial support.

We provided clothes, and financial support to the orphans and sick children. We also provided mattresses and other equipment to hospitals.

Manfred, 45 years.

He lives with his wife and five children and had an amputation of the right leg during an accident. He wasn’t able to find a job and had little or no financial assistance for the past two years.

Divine love Association granted Manfred financial support in order for him to start a business, and he is now the owner of a little convenience store in the village which has improved his way of living and generated income for his family. He is now able to provide for the basic needs of his family.

Miracle, 5 years.

This little boy was suffering from a tumor that made his head three times bigger than the normal. Coming from a poor home the family wasn’t able to provide funds for surgery and treatment. The child never even had a proper diagnostic of his condition.

Divine Love Association provided financial support to the family in order for the child to see a specialist and commence treatment. Unfortunately not enough funds was granted in order for the child to undergo surgery.


Douala, 2020.

We were welcomed with some singing and dancing by the children of the orphanage.

We brought along some relief goods as well as school items.

We offered scholarships to five teenagers who were street kids and dropped out of school before they were taken into the orphanage.