How it all started!

An interview of the Executive Director and Founder;

Mr. Che Divine Ndamukong – Philanthropist & CEO of Davina Agro Ltd.

Question: What inspired you?

Answer: It was in 2012 during a business trip to Nigeria. I was traveling by land and I had the opportunity to discover the border cities of Cameroon and Nigeria.

When crossing Nkambe which is in the Northwest Region of Cameroon, 30km to the Nigerian borders, I found out the living conditions there were deplorable. A lot of people suffering in the area due to no light, no civilization and little income-generating opportunities.

I then decided to help them out to the best I could and impact their life to the better. I provided some families and kids with financial support to purchase clothes, mattresses, food and enough to start little businesses in their village.

From there I grew a real passion for helping the needy because I understood their struggle since I come from a poor home myself. I started by helping my surroundings with what I could and began to visit orphanages by 2015 to 2016 where I offered basic provisions.

I then decided to make it official and register as an association in order to help more people and gather others who could join with me and help our communities.

Question: How did you come up with the name?

Answer: As a Christian I believe God loves us all dearly and he is a Divinity. As well from my surname Divine, and the love I have for the community. I then decided to name the association DIVINE LOVE with regards to those two points.

So Divine Love Association (NGO) is out there principally for charity. We are at the service of the community; to provide for their needs and fight for their rights. To make a change in our society.

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