World Malaria Day Report

This project took place on a Tuesday and it started with breakfast at the office premises at 10:00am. The staff members (03) along with the volunteers (08) had breakfast and packaged the packets meant for the target populations. Followed by uploading the bus assigned to take the team to the project site and departure from the office premises was at 11:20am.

  1. Malaria Screening Campaign

The screening camp was placed in front of the PK30 Tonde Chief’s house.

It consisted of two tables; one for blood collection and observation and one for the counselling after test results.

One volunteer was collecting the blood samples, one staff member (Tomia) was observing the reading on the test card and channeling to the counsellor who was a volunteer. Mr. Pitou was stationed at the screening camp to record videos and interviews. This made it 4 members appointed to the screening camp.

After counselling an insecticide spirals packet and a ‘world malaria day’ t-shirt was given to those who could benefit from it. A candy was given to each child screened.

Towards the end of the screening campaign two volunteers helped with the work load at the camp. One was deployed at the blood collection job and the second as counsellor.

We succeeded in screening 100 inhabitants of the locality.

  1. Screening Test Results

From the results, 26% were positive and 69% were negative to malaria falciparum presence.

As illustrated below, of all the inhabitants screened 53% were females and 44% were males.

According to gender, 14.74% of the females were positive to malaria falciparum and 12.63% of the males were positive to malaria falciparum.

According to their age, most of the inhabitants screened were adults ranging 19-49years (41%).

From the test results, most of the positive cases were toddlers and most of the negative cases were adults.

  • Prevalence of Malaria symptoms

According to the test results, those that were positive to malaria falciparum mostly had vomiting (6.82%) followed by fever, headache, joint pain and nausea. A few of them were asymptomatic (6.82%).

  • Malaria Sensitization Campaign

Nine members were appointed to the sensitization campaign; four members at each side of the road. This consisted of one NGO staff and three volunteers each. The staff members were Aicha and Hedra who were the subgroup team leaders.

The campaign started at PK27 moving towards PK30. A bus dropped us at each mile and waited for us at the end of each mile in order to facilitate movement.

A packet was given to each person screened. This packet contained either two insecticide spirals and a mosquito repellant cream or three insecticide spirals as shown on the picture below. A brochure containing information about malaria was also shared.

The field workers also used this opportunity to collect relevant data in order to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices towards malaria of the target population.

During the sensitization campaign, the population’s remarks and complains were also registered.

We succeeded in sensitizing 101 inhabitants of the locality.

  1. Target Population’s Assessment

From the sensitized population, we succeeded in collecting data from 36 inhabitants.

  1. Knowledge of Malaria

From the assessment done, 5% of the inhabitants think malaria cannot be prevented. 11% think malaria cannot be cured and 8% think malaria cannot cause death. 14% of the inhabitants do not know any symptoms of malaria, 25% do not know how malaria is transmitted, 14% think only specific people can have malaria and 14% have no idea of how malaria can be prevented.

  1. Attitude towards Malaria

According to the assessment done, 12% of the inhabitants do nothing when they suspect they have malaria.

  1. Practices towards Malaria

From the assessment done, 61% of the population do nothing to prevent malaria from their household.

  • Remarks of the inhabitants on the World Malaria Day Campaign

The most relevant remarks from the inhabitants were;

  • Most inhabitants requested more mosquito repellant creams to be able to use them at the farms.
  • They will like to have more campaigns in the area like the one held.

Some of their complains were;

  • They feel abandoned and forgotten by the government.
  • They don’t have enough facilities especially health coverage.

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